Tuesday 14 May 2013

The Solitary Seeker

Each time we spin a thread, a bond is formed
A bond once formed has emotions attached
And with that array of emotions, relationships are forged.

Some knots are tighter when spun
They render us strong and secure
They make us happy and joyous and ecstatic
As do the golden lanterns unto the night sky.

They allow us freedom; liberate us from the confines of our mind
Giving us the veneer to a new start
But the bonds are fragile too;
And if the thread but breaks, recuperation is hard.
The beads fall, the lanterns lose their way
And the strength with which it once held us seek to now crumble us

These bonds are then like tiny saplings
Seeking nurture and care constantly
They live when humanity works to keep them alive
But if it breaks and when it does
It leaves us lost and desolate now;
Maybe stronger for tomorrow.

A solitary seeker forever


  1. You changed the layout of your page!Pretty in Pink!!
    Again, beautifully written:)...and very true, Urmi!

  2. @Teresa George:
    Yes, new layout for a new post :) M glad you liked it! Always look forward to ur comments!
